Get Involved
Feeding South Dakota
1/21/2025 - Sioux Falls, South Dakota
Get Involved
You have read our statistics on hunger in South Dakota. You have given cans to our food drives. You may have even donated your time to our organization.
So who are we? We are Feeding South Dakota. We are a hunger relief organization and we are fighting daily to eliminate hunger in this state. Most importantly, we are doing it with your help.
In FY18, Feeding South Dakota as a whole distributed 12.2 million pounds of food in the fight against hunger. Our partnership with Feeding America provides us with access to millions of pounds of food product that is donated by corporations all across America. It is through this affiliation that we are able to provide a wider variety of store shelf quality food to our organizations.
Every single week, Feeding South Dakota assists in providing temporary food assistance to approximately 21,000 hungry individuals and families in our state and our BackPack Program gives food every weekend to over 5,500 kids who otherwise might go hungry.
Your donations of money, food, and time allow Feeding South Dakota to positively impact thousands of people every year. Real people. Real men, real women and real children who need your help and whose lives are changed when they receive it.
We are Feeding South Dakota. Our story is a story of hope. It is a story of undying optimism. And it is a story that will not end until we have eliminated hunger in the state forever.