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United Way of Greater Richmond & Petersburg
Richmond, Virginia
Get Involved
United Way of Greater Richmond & Petersburg traces its roots back more than a century to when a group of concerned citizens got together to discuss how to help meet community needs. Over the 106 years that followed, your local United Way has continually improved the lives of those in need. While the needs of the community have changed over time, our mission – to empower individuals and address systemic problems to provide everyone with a clear path to success – has not.
United Way of Greater Richmond & Petersburg serves the region’s neighborhoods and rural areas alike, providing direct services and support to partners in the cities of Richmond, Petersburg and Colonial Heights as well as the counties of Charles City, Chesterfield, Dinwiddie, Goochland, Hanover, Henrico, New Kent and Powhatan – 11 different localities in all.
More than 138,000 friends and neighbors in our region live below the poverty line and more than one in four residents struggle to make ends meet. Working with more than 40 community partners and through the generosity and kindness of the community at large, United Way of Greater Richmond & Petersburg is creating lasting change – change that improves the quality of life in our region for all of us.