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The Serve Illinois Commission is a 40-member (25 voting and 15 non-voting), bi-partisan board appointed by the Governor and administered by the Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH).
The enabling legislation of the Serve Illinois Commission (PA98-0692, 20 ILCS 2330) charges the Commission to promote and support community service in public and private programs to meet the needs of Illinois citizens, to stimulate new volunteerism and community service initiatives and partnerships, and to serve as a resource and advocate within the Department of Public Health for community service agencies, volunteers, and programs which utilize State and private volunteers.
Serve Illinois oversees all aspects of program administration and training for the AmeriCorps program. AmeriCorps provides trained, dedicated people to help non-profit organizations accomplish their missions and to make more effective use of volunteers. AmeriCorps members assist in meeting locally identified community-based needs.