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Yet nutritious food is out of reach for many low-income families and seniors. Fruits and vegetables are often unaffordable on tight budgets. And fresh produce isn’t readily available in many low-income neighborhoods where grocery stores are sparse.
This gap in nutrition costs our community with high absenteeism from work and school as well as high rates of chronic disease. Chronic illness contributes to worsening food insecurity. It is a vicious cycle. In the one of the most prosperous regions in the world, nobody should become sick due to a lack of consistent access to healthy food. Nobody should have to make a choice between putting food on the table or taking medicine.
That’s why our ground-breaking initiatives aim to bridge the gap between health and anti-hunger relief efforts.Our nutrition program guides our work, including our food purchases. With closer collaboration, we can do even more to improve people’s overall health. We’re looking for your partnership to make it a reality!